- Why didn’t I get an invoice? All invoices are emailed to address our membership has on file. This is a different email listing than our social/updates email list. If you did not receive an email, check your spam folder and then email [email protected] to make sure we have a current address on file.
- I don’t want to use the facilities this summer. Can I just hold onto my bond until I’m ready to come back? No. Per our bylaws, summer dues must be paid by each member to remain in good standing. Dues either need to be paid or your bond needs to be surrendered or sold by April 1st. Normandy will hold your bond in trust until it is sold. At any point while your bond is in trust, you are welcome to request it back and rejoin.
- Can I pay my dues on a payment plan? Yes! We are happy to set up a payment schedule with you. The first payment must be made by April first and the final payment must be paid prior to the opening of the pool. Please contact Normandy Membership to make arrangements.
- Can I pay my dues with a credit card? Yes! You can do this in the Membership portal.
- How do you determine the cost of Normandy? Our bond cost of $300 is set in our bylaws. Every year the board looks at our budget and determines what our seasonal dues will be for the upcoming year. Normandy is a non-profit, so we always try to keep our dues as low as possible.
- Can I add a babysitter or grandparent to my membership? We sell nanny passes for $30 a season. A caregiver can come an unlimited number of times as long as they are with a member of your family. Caregiver passes may be purchased through the membership portal.
- Why should I pay dues before the pool opens and why do you charge late fees? Normandy has bills that we must pay throughout the year. In addition, we spend a great deal of our funds getting the pool ready for opening day. If no one paid their dues prior to opening day, we would not be able to open the pool at all. Normandy needs to know how many members are returning as early in the season as possible so we can offer any available bonds to new members. Paying dues late hampers our ability to do this. Any member who pays their dues after April 1st must pay a $50 late fee or is assessed a $50 reduction in the value of their bond.
- How do I book a party? All of our parties are now being reserved via our website under the guests/parties tab. Simply check the calendar to ensure the shelters are open and then submit a party request. We will get back with you shortly with all the details. Parties can only be booked by Normandy members. Non-members attending a party must purchase a guest pass.
- I have an idea for Normandy. Who should I contact? Great! We love new ideas. Please contact any member of the board or come to our next board meeting.
- My children are now adults, can they still come to the pool under my membership? Adult children are no longer members of Normandy. Per our bylaws, if you can claim that individual as a dependent on your taxes, they are still part of your family membership. If you can’t claim them on your taxes, they are not members. You are welcome to purchase a guest pass for them to come or they can purchase a membership of their own.
- How do I cancel my membership? Please see the Leaving Normandy tab on the website.
- I turned in my bond. When will I get paid back and how much is it worth? Bonds are paid back once new bonds are sold. It’s a one in, one out system. When we are at full capacity, bonds are paid back within one year. When our pool is not at capacity, it can take a few years for your bond to be paid back. Please make sure Normandy has your current mailing and email address. Your bond value is $300 unless you returned your bond past the April 1st deadline or you incurred a late fee throughout your membership. If you would like to know the value of your bond, please contact [email protected]